Details for this torrent 

Tsunami Bomb
Audio > Music
164.14 MB

music punk tsunami bomb mp3 awesome keep_it_free
+0 / -0 (0)

Aug 12, 2010

4 Albums and Misc. MP3. Good quality. Listening to it right now.


stops @ 71 % :(
Just to verify for those who'm come across this torrent wondering if the last posters information was still accurate, I have been attempting to snag this torrent for about a month, there are absolutely NO seeders past the 85.3% mark.

This is regretful as I love Agent M in Tsunami Bomb.

She does now have a new band, "The Action Design" I have not found a good torrent for that group either, saddens me when crap like Lil Wayne is so easily obtained but these are not.

Live Long And Prosper My Fellow Seeders.

I've revived this torrent from another torrent and you should now be able to download it completely.
Actually that's a lie, its now showing 99.8% complete with the exception of " \definite act\04 Safety Song.mp3" which shows 92.1% of the song complete but tested the file and it plays perfectly.
Thanks for this torrent, as my old cds are so scratched up and I burned them all at 128kb/sec. Honestly, I suggest everyone go onto iTunes and buy Safety Song, since it's a great number and they deserve a bit of cash
@Eth1c Yeah, same thing here, it says it isn't done but it is... just checked too.

Thanks be to all involved!